A simple (predictive) analysis on IPL teams

I recently stumbled across a dataset providing data ball-by-ball of IPL matches (2008-2014). The data is provided as YAML files (one for each match) containing ball-by-ball details for each match. I transferred the data in these files into a relational database (MySQL) and made a small analysis on the performance of each team with a focus on identifying the factors influencing the performance of the teams.

I used Pandas, scikit-learn and matplotlib for this analysis.

Building a random forest classifier to predict outcome of IPL matches.

Tools used : Python (Pandas), MySQL.

Data source : http://cricsheet.org/

Set up connections to the SQL DB.

In [40]:

import pandas
import mysql.connector
# set up connections to the DB
conn = mysql.connector.Connect(host='localhost',user='root',\

Retreive necessary data from the DB.

In [41]:

# Retreive Data teams, Outcome data from the DB
qryTeamWin = """
                SELECT Game.Id, Game.MatchDate, Game.Venue, Game.Overs,
                    Teams.Team1, Teams.Team2,
                    Outcome.Winner, Outcome.Runs, Outcome.Wickets, Outcome.Result,
                    Outcome.Eliminator, Outcome.Method
                FROM Game INNER JOIN Outcome
                    ON Game.Id = OutCome.MatchId
                INNER JOIN Teams
                    ON Game.Id = Teams.MatchId
winTeamDF = pandas.read_sql( qryTeamWin, conn )
# print a sample of the data
print winTeamDF.head(5)
       Id           MatchDate                                       Venue  \
0  335982 2008-04-18 00:00:00                       M Chinnaswamy Stadium   
1  335983 2008-04-19 00:00:00  Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali   
2  335984 2008-04-19 00:00:00                            Feroz Shah Kotla   
3  335985 2008-04-20 00:00:00                            Wankhede Stadium   
4  335986 2008-04-20 00:00:00                                Eden Gardens   

   Overs                        Team1                        Team2  \
0     20  Royal Challengers Bangalore        Kolkata Knight Riders   
1     20              Kings XI Punjab          Chennai Super Kings   
2     20             Delhi Daredevils             Rajasthan Royals   
3     20               Mumbai Indians  Royal Challengers Bangalore   
4     20        Kolkata Knight Riders              Deccan Chargers   

                        Winner  Runs  Wickets Result Eliminator Method  
0        Kolkata Knight Riders   140      NaN   None       None   None  
1          Chennai Super Kings    33      NaN   None       None   None  
2             Delhi Daredevils   NaN        9   None       None   None  
3  Royal Challengers Bangalore   NaN        5   None       None   None  
4        Kolkata Knight Riders   NaN        5   None       None   None  

Get some basic stats - win/loss percentage by team.

In [42]:

import numpy
# We'll begin with the win/loss percent of teams.
# get the matches won/lost by each team.
# By grouping the DF according to the winning team.
bywinner = winTeamDF.groupby('Winner')
numWins = bywinner.size()
# Now we'll need the total number of matches
# played by each team. 
teamList = bywinner.groups.keys()
# Loop through each team and identify the number of times
# the team appears either in the Team1 or Team2 col.
# we'll store this data in a seperate DF
teamMatchDF = pandas.DataFrame( columns=('team', 'short_name','matches', 'wins'),\
                               index=range(len(teamList)) )
for n, t in enumerate(teamList):
    nGames = winTeamDF[ (winTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (winTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ]\
    # get the short name for plotting purposes
    shortName = ''.join( [ x[0] for x in t.split() ] )
    teamMatchDF.ix[n] = [ t, shortName, nGames, numWins[t] ]
# We now have the DF with team, num of matches and wins
# we'll now add an additional column win_percent
teamMatchDF['win_percent'] = (teamMatchDF['wins']*100./teamMatchDF['matches'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
print "--------------- Total team wins ------------------"
print teamMatchDF.sort( 'win_percent', ascending=False ).reset_index(drop=True)
print "--------------- Total team wins ------------------"
# Lets get the wins of each team by year
# we'll get the year from the MatchDate col
winTeamDF['year'] = pandas.DatetimeIndex( winTeamDF['MatchDate'] ).year
byYearWinner = winTeamDF.groupby( ['Winner','year'] )
numWinsYear = byYearWinner.size()
# we'll use a different DF to store wins by year.
teamYearList = byYearWinner.groups.keys()
teamWinYearDF = pandas.DataFrame( columns=('team', 'short_name', 'year', 'matches', 'wins'),\
                               index=range(len(teamYearList)) )
# Loop through the data populate the DB
for ny, ty in enumerate(teamYearList):
    # skip some None's
    if ty[0] is None:
    nGames = winTeamDF[ ( (winTeamDF['Team1'] == ty[0]) |\
              (winTeamDF['Team2'] == ty[0]) ) & ( winTeamDF['year'] == ty[1] )]\
    shortName = ''.join( [ x[0] for x in ty[0].split() ] )
    teamWinYearDF.ix[ny] = [ ty[0], shortName, ty[1], nGames, numWinsYear[ty] ]
# get the win percent
print "--------------- Team wins by year ------------------"
teamWinYearDF['win_percent'] = (teamWinYearDF['wins']*100./teamWinYearDF['matches'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
# Drop NaN Vals
teamWinYearDF = teamWinYearDF[ numpy.isfinite( teamWinYearDF['win_percent'] ) ]
print teamWinYearDF.sort( 'win_percent', ascending=False ).reset_index(drop=True).head(10)
print "--------------- Team wins by year ------------------"
--------------- Total team wins ------------------
                           team short_name matches wins  win_percent
0           Chennai Super Kings        CSK     114   69        60.53
1                Mumbai Indians         MI     110   63        57.27
2              Rajasthan Royals         RR     104   54        51.92
3               Kings XI Punjab        KXP     106   55        51.89
4         Kolkata Knight Riders        KKR     104   53        50.96
5   Royal Challengers Bangalore        RCB     107   52        48.60
6           Sunrisers Hyderabad         SH      31   15        48.39
7          Kochi Tuskers Kerala        KTK      14    6        42.86
8              Delhi Daredevils         DD     105   44        41.90
9               Deccan Chargers         DC      75   29        38.67
10                Pune Warriors         PW      46   12        26.09
--------------- Total team wins ------------------

--------------- Team wins by year ------------------
                    team short_name  year matches wins  win_percent
0       Rajasthan Royals         RR  2008      16   13        81.25
1        Kings XI Punjab        KXP  2014      17   12        70.59
2  Kolkata Knight Riders        KKR  2012      17   12        70.59
3  Kolkata Knight Riders        KKR  2014      16   11        68.75
4    Chennai Super Kings        CSK  2011      16   11        68.75
5         Mumbai Indians         MI  2010      16   11        68.75
6         Mumbai Indians         MI  2013      19   13        68.42
7        Kings XI Punjab        KXP  2008      15   10        66.67
8    Chennai Super Kings        CSK  2013      18   12        66.67
9       Delhi Daredevils         DD  2009      15   10        66.67
--------------- Team wins by year ------------------

Plot of win% of teams over all years.

In [43]:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
# plot total team wins
ax1 = teamMatchDF.plot(x='short_name', y='win_percent', kind='bar',\
                 ylim=[0,100], fontsize = 14, color='#1E90FF' )
ax1.set_ylabel( 'Win Percent', fontsize=16 )
yticks = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]
ax1.set_yticklabels(yticks, fontsize=14)
ax1.set_xlabel( 'Team', fontsize=14 )
ax1.set_title( 'Win percent by teams', fontsize=16 )


Win% of teams by year - consistency.

In [44]:

import numpy
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Set different colors
colormap = plt.cm.jet
plt.gca().set_color_cycle([colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 0.9, len(teamList))])
labList = []
meanList = []
stdList = []
xDataList = [] # Holder for xaxis
for n, t in enumerate(teamList):
    currYears = list( teamWinYearDF[ teamWinYearDF['team'] == t ]['year'] )
    shortName = list( teamWinYearDF[ teamWinYearDF['team'] == t ]['short_name'] )[0]
    currDate = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(str(c), '%Y') for  c in currYears ]
    # Need to sort both date and win_percent according to date
    # We'll do it by zipping the values
    currWinPercnt = list( teamWinYearDF[ teamWinYearDF['team'] == t ]['win_percent'] )
    wdSort = zip( currDate, currWinPercnt )
    currDate = [y for y, x in wdSort]
    currWinPercnt = [x for y, x in wdSort]
    stats = numpy.array( currWinPercnt )
    labList.append( shortName )
    meanList.append( numpy.mean(stats) )
    stdList.append( numpy.std(stats) )
    xDataList.append( n )
# Plot the means, Std.Dev
ax2.errorbar(xDataList, meanList, yerr=stdList,\
             linestyle='None', marker='x', linewidth=3, \
             markersize=12, mew=2, color='#1E90FF')
#     ax2.plot( currDate, currWinPercnt, linewidth=2, label=t )
ax2.set_ylabel( 'Win Percent', fontsize=14 )
ax2.set_xlabel( 'Team', fontsize=14 )
ax2.set_title( 'Avg wins/year', fontsize=16 )
ax2.set_ylim( [0,100] )
ax2.set_xlim( [-1,11] )
ax2.set_xticklabels(labList, fontsize=14)
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14)


Performance by Venues - Home Advantage.

In [45]:

byVenueWinner = winTeamDF.groupby( ['Winner','Venue'] )
numWinsVenue = byVenueWinner.size()
# we'll use a different DF to store wins by year.
teamVenueList = byVenueWinner.groups.keys()
teamWinVenueDF = pandas.DataFrame( columns=('team', 'short_name', 'venue', 'matches', 'wins'),\
                               index=range(len(teamVenueList)) )
# we'll have a DF to just store home results (automatically identified by num matches)
homeAdvDF = pandas.DataFrame( columns=('team', 'home_venue', 'home_matches', 'home_wins'),\
                               index=range(len(teamVenueList)) )
# Loop through the data populate the DB
for ny, ty in enumerate(teamVenueList):
    # skip some None's
    if ty[0] is None:
    nGames = winTeamDF[ ( (winTeamDF['Team1'] == ty[0]) |\
              (winTeamDF['Team2'] == ty[0]) ) & ( winTeamDF['Venue'] == ty[1] )]\
    shortName = ''.join( [ x[0] for x in ty[0].split() ] )
    teamWinVenueDF.ix[ny] = [ ty[0], shortName, ty[1], nGames, numWinsVenue[ty] ]
    # Get the home adv factor
    if nGames > 10:
        homeAdvDF.ix[ny] = [ ty[0], ty[1], nGames, numWinsVenue[ty] ]
# get the win percent
teamWinVenueDF['win_percent'] = (teamWinVenueDF['wins']*100./teamWinVenueDF['matches'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
homeAdvDF['home_win_percent'] = (homeAdvDF['home_wins']*100./homeAdvDF['home_matches'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
# Drop NaN Vals
teamWinVenueDF = teamWinVenueDF[ numpy.isfinite( teamWinVenueDF['win_percent'] ) ]
homeAdvDF = homeAdvDF[ numpy.isfinite( homeAdvDF['home_win_percent'] ) ]
# Now let's get the away wins as well by merging this DF
# with the DF containing all wins (teamMatchDF)
homeAwayDF = pandas.DataFrame( pandas.merge(teamMatchDF, homeAdvDF, on='team', how='inner') )
# Get Away matches and wins and %wins
homeAwayDF['away_matches'] = homeAwayDF['matches'] - homeAwayDF['home_matches']
homeAwayDF['away_wins'] = homeAwayDF['wins'] - homeAwayDF['home_wins']
homeAwayDF['away_win_percent'] = (homeAwayDF['away_wins']*100./homeAwayDF['away_matches'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
print "--------------- Home/Away team wins ------------------"
print homeAwayDF.sort( 'win_percent', ascending=False ).reset_index(drop=True).head(10)
print "--------------- Home/Away team wins ------------------"
--------------- Home/Away team wins ------------------
                          team short_name matches wins  win_percent  \
0          Chennai Super Kings        CSK     114   69        60.53   
1               Mumbai Indians         MI     110   63        57.27   
2             Rajasthan Royals         RR     104   54        51.92   
3              Kings XI Punjab        KXP     106   55        51.89   
4        Kolkata Knight Riders        KKR     104   53        50.96   
5  Royal Challengers Bangalore        RCB     107   52        48.60   
6          Sunrisers Hyderabad         SH      31   15        48.39   
7             Delhi Daredevils         DD     105   44        41.90   
8              Deccan Chargers         DC      75   29        38.67   
9                Pune Warriors         PW      46   12        26.09   

                                   home_venue home_matches home_wins  \
0             MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk           40        27   
1                            Wankhede Stadium           33        22   
2                      Sawai Mansingh Stadium           33        24   
3  Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali           31        17   
4                                Eden Gardens           38        24   
5                       M Chinnaswamy Stadium           40        21   
6   Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Uppal           12         7   
7                            Feroz Shah Kotla           39        14   
8   Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Uppal           18         3   
9                  Subrata Roy Sahara Stadium           16         4   

   home_win_percent away_matches away_wins  away_win_percent  
0             67.50           74        42             56.76  
1             66.67           77        41             53.25  
2             72.73           71        30             42.25  
3             54.84           75        38             50.67  
4             63.16           66        29             43.94  
5             52.50           67        31             46.27  
6             58.33           19         8             42.11  
7             35.90           66        30             45.45  
8             16.67           57        26             45.61  
9             25.00           30         8             26.67  
--------------- Home/Away team wins ------------------

Home/Away win% plots.

In [46]:

plotDF2 = homeAwayDF[ ['short_name', 'win_percent','home_win_percent', 'away_win_percent' ] ]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# plot total team wins
plotDF2[['win_percent','home_win_percent', 'away_win_percent']].\
                                                    plot( kind='bar', use_index=True,\
                                                       ax=ax, alpha=0.75,\
                                                       grid=True, color=['#1E90FF','#DC143C','green'])
ax.set_xlabel( 'Team', fontsize=14 )
ax.set_ylabel( 'Win Percent', fontsize=14 )
ax.set_title( 'Home/Away Win percent by teams', fontsize=16 )
ax.set_ylim( [0,100] )
ax.set_xticklabels(homeAwayDF['short_name'].values, fontsize=14)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14)
ax.yaxis.grid() #vertical lines
ax.xaxis.grid() #horizontal lines


Influence of toss.

In [47]:

# Need a new query, retreive the toss data as well.
qryTeamToss = """
                SELECT Game.Id, Game.MatchDate, Game.Venue, Game.Overs,
                    Teams.Team1, Teams.Team2,
                    Outcome.Winner, Outcome.Runs, Outcome.Wickets, Outcome.Result,
                    Toss.Decision as tossDec, Toss.Winner as tossWin
                FROM Game INNER JOIN Outcome
                    ON Game.Id = OutCome.MatchId
                INNER JOIN Teams
                    ON Game.Id = Teams.MatchId
                INNER JOIN Toss
                    ON Game.Id = Toss.MatchId
tossTeamDF = pandas.read_sql( qryTeamToss, conn )
# print a sample of the data
print tossTeamDF.head(5)
       Id           MatchDate                                       Venue  \
0  335982 2008-04-18 00:00:00                       M Chinnaswamy Stadium   
1  335983 2008-04-19 00:00:00  Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali   
2  335984 2008-04-19 00:00:00                            Feroz Shah Kotla   
3  335985 2008-04-20 00:00:00                            Wankhede Stadium   
4  335986 2008-04-20 00:00:00                                Eden Gardens   

   Overs                        Team1                        Team2  \
0     20  Royal Challengers Bangalore        Kolkata Knight Riders   
1     20              Kings XI Punjab          Chennai Super Kings   
2     20             Delhi Daredevils             Rajasthan Royals   
3     20               Mumbai Indians  Royal Challengers Bangalore   
4     20        Kolkata Knight Riders              Deccan Chargers   

                        Winner  Runs  Wickets Result tossDec  \
0        Kolkata Knight Riders   140      NaN   None   field   
1          Chennai Super Kings    33      NaN   None     bat   
2             Delhi Daredevils   NaN        9   None     bat   
3  Royal Challengers Bangalore   NaN        5   None     bat   
4        Kolkata Knight Riders   NaN        5   None     bat   

0  Royal Challengers Bangalore  
1          Chennai Super Kings  
2             Rajasthan Royals  
3               Mumbai Indians  
4              Deccan Chargers  

In [48]:

import numpy
# We'll look at win/loss percent of teams as a function of toss.
# get the matches won/lost by each team.
# By grouping the DF according to the winning team.
bywin = tossTeamDF.groupby('Winner')
numWins = bywin.size()
# Now we'll need the total number of matches
# played by each team. 
teamList = bywin.groups.keys()
# Loop through each team and identify the number of times
# the team appears either in the Team1 or Team2 col.
# we'll store this data in a seperate DF
teamTossWinDF = pandas.DataFrame( columns=('team', 'short_name','matches', 'wins', 'toss', 'toss_wins'),\
                               index=range(len(teamList)) )
for n, t in enumerate(teamList):
    nGames = tossTeamDF[ (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ]\
    # num of times the team won toss
    nToss = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] == t ) ]\
    # num of times the team won the match after winning toss
    nTossWins = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] == t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['Winner'] == t ) ]\
    shortName = ''.join( [ x[0] for x in t.split() ] )
    teamTossWinDF.ix[n] = [ t, shortName, nGames, numWins[t], nToss, nTossWins ]
# Calculate the general win %
teamTossWinDF['win_percent'] = (teamTossWinDF['wins']*100./teamTossWinDF['matches'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
# Calculate the win % after winning/loosing toss
teamTossWinDF['win_percent/win_toss'] = (teamTossWinDF['toss_wins']*100./teamTossWinDF['toss'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
teamTossWinDF['win_percent/loose_toss'] = ( ( teamTossWinDF['wins']-teamTossWinDF['toss_wins'] )\
                                         *100./(teamTossWinDF['matches']-teamTossWinDF['toss']) )\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
print teamTossWinDF
                           team short_name matches wins toss toss_wins  \
0   Royal Challengers Bangalore        RCB     107   52   45        22   
1         Kolkata Knight Riders        KKR     104   53   55        29   
2           Chennai Super Kings        CSK     114   69   56        37   
3          Kochi Tuskers Kerala        KTK      14    6    8         4   
4               Kings XI Punjab        KXP     106   55   51        25   
5              Delhi Daredevils         DD     105   44   51        21   
6               Deccan Chargers         DC      75   29   43        19   
7           Sunrisers Hyderabad         SH      31   15   14         4   
8              Rajasthan Royals         RR     104   54   57        30   
9                 Pune Warriors         PW      46   12   20         3   
10               Mumbai Indians         MI     110   63   58        33   

    win_percent  win_percent/win_toss  win_percent/loose_toss  
0         48.60                 48.89                   48.39  
1         50.96                 52.73                   48.98  
2         60.53                 66.07                   55.17  
3         42.86                 50.00                   33.33  
4         51.89                 49.02                   54.55  
5         41.90                 41.18                   42.59  
6         38.67                 44.19                   31.25  
7         48.39                 28.57                   64.71  
8         51.92                 52.63                   51.06  
9         26.09                 15.00                   34.62  
10        57.27                 56.90                   57.69  

In [49]:

plotDF3 = teamTossWinDF[ ['short_name', 'win_percent/win_toss','win_percent/loose_toss' ] ]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# plot total team wins
                                                    plot( kind='bar', use_index=True,\
                                                       ax=ax, alpha=0.75,\
                                                       grid=True, color=['#1E90FF','#DC143C'])
ax.set_xlabel( 'Team', fontsize=14 )
ax.set_ylabel( 'Win Percent', fontsize=14 )
ax.set_title( 'Win percent with toss', fontsize=16 )
ax.set_ylim( [0,100] )
ax.set_xticklabels(teamTossWinDF['short_name'].values, fontsize=14)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14)
ax.yaxis.grid() #vertical lines
ax.xaxis.grid() #horizontal lines


Influence of batting/fielding first.

In [50]:

import numpy
# We'll look at win/loss percent of teams as a function of toss.
# get the matches won/lost by each team.
# By grouping the DF according to the winning team.
bywin = tossTeamDF.groupby('Winner')
numWins = bywin.size()
# Now we'll need the total number of matches
# played by each team. 
teamList = bywin.groups.keys()
# Loop through each team and identify the number of times
# the team appears either in the Team1 or Team2 col.
# we'll store this data in a seperate DF
teamBatWinDF = pandas.DataFrame( columns=('team', 'short_name','matches',\
                                          'wins', 'bat_first', 'wins/bat_first',\
                                          'field_first', 'wins/field_first'),\
                               index=range(len(teamList)) )
for n, t in enumerate(teamList):
    nGames = tossTeamDF[ (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ]\
    # num of times the team batted first and won, this has two parts,
    # 1) win toss - bat, 2) loose toss - field
    nBatFirstWin1 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] == t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'bat' ) & ( tossTeamDF['Winner'] == t ) ]\
    nBatFirstWin2 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] != t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'field' ) & ( tossTeamDF['Winner'] == t ) ]\
    nBatFirstWin = nBatFirstWin1 + nBatFirstWin2
    # For % need the number of times the team batted first (irrespective of wins)
    nBatFirst1 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] == t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'bat' ) ]\
    nBatFirst2 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] != t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'field' ) ]\
    nBatFirst = nBatFirst1 + nBatFirst2
    # Same calculations for field first
    nFieldFirstWin1 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] == t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'field' ) & ( tossTeamDF['Winner'] == t ) ]\
    nFieldFirstWin2 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] != t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'bat' ) & ( tossTeamDF['Winner'] == t ) ]\
    nFieldFirstWin = nFieldFirstWin1 + nFieldFirstWin2
    # For % need the number of times the team batted first (irrespective of wins)
    nFieldFirst1 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] == t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'field' ) ]\
    nFieldFirst2 = tossTeamDF[ ( (tossTeamDF['Team1'] == t) |\
              (tossTeamDF['Team2'] == t) ) & ( tossTeamDF['tossWin'] != t ) \
                       & ( tossTeamDF['tossDec'] == 'bat' ) ]\
    nFieldFirst = nFieldFirst1 + nFieldFirst2
    shortName = ''.join( [ x[0] for x in t.split() ] )
    teamBatWinDF.ix[n] = [ t, shortName, nGames, numWins[t]\
                          , nBatFirst, nBatFirstWin, \
                          nFieldFirst, nFieldFirstWin ]
# Calculate the win %
teamBatWinDF['win_percent/bat_first'] = (teamBatWinDF['wins/bat_first']*100./teamBatWinDF['bat_first'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
teamBatWinDF['win_percent/field_first'] = (teamBatWinDF['wins/field_first']*100./teamBatWinDF['field_first'])\
                                .apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
print teamBatWinDF
                           team short_name matches wins bat_first  \
0   Royal Challengers Bangalore        RCB     107   52        46   
1         Kolkata Knight Riders        KKR     104   53        51   
2           Chennai Super Kings        CSK     114   69        66   
3          Kochi Tuskers Kerala        KTK      14    6         7   
4               Kings XI Punjab        KXP     106   55        54   
5              Delhi Daredevils         DD     105   44        44   
6               Deccan Chargers         DC      75   29        43   
7           Sunrisers Hyderabad         SH      31   15        19   
8              Rajasthan Royals         RR     104   54        49   
9                 Pune Warriors         PW      46   12        20   
10               Mumbai Indians         MI     110   63        59   

   wins/bat_first field_first wins/field_first  win_percent/bat_first  \
0              19          61               33                  41.30   
1              23          53               30                  45.10   
2              38          48               31                  57.58   
3               2           7                4                  28.57   
4              23          52               32                  42.59   
5              14          61               30                  31.82   
6              18          32               11                  41.86   
7               7          12                8                  36.84   
8              20          55               34                  40.82   
9               6          26                6                  30.00   
10             34          51               29                  57.63   

0                     54.10  
1                     56.60  
2                     64.58  
3                     57.14  
4                     61.54  
5                     49.18  
6                     34.38  
7                     66.67  
8                     61.82  
9                     23.08  
10                    56.86  

In [51]:

plotDF4 = teamBatWinDF[ ['short_name', 'win_percent/bat_first','win_percent/field_first' ] ]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# plot total team wins
                                                    plot( kind='bar', use_index=True,\
                                                       ax=ax, alpha=0.75,\
                                                       grid=True, color=['#1E90FF','#DC143C'])
ax.set_xlabel( 'Team', fontsize=14 )
ax.set_ylabel( 'Win Percent', fontsize=14 )
ax.set_title( 'Win percent with toss', fontsize=16 )
ax.set_ylim( [0,100] )
ax.set_xticklabels(teamBatWinDF['short_name'].values, fontsize=14)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14)
ax.yaxis.grid() #vertical lines
ax.xaxis.grid() #horizontal lines


Build model(s) to predict outcomes.

In [52]:

qryMatData = """
SELECT Game.Id, Game.MatchDate, Game.Venue, Game.Overs,
Teams.Team1, Teams.Team2,
Outcome.Winner, Outcome.Runs, Outcome.Wickets, Outcome.Result,
Toss.Decision as tossDec, Toss.Winner as tossWin
ON Game.Id = OutCome.MatchId
ON Game.Id = Teams.MatchId
ON Game.Id = Toss.MatchId
matchDataDF = pandas.read_sql( qryMatData, conn )
print matchDataDF.head(2)
       Id           MatchDate                                       Venue  \
0  335982 2008-04-18 00:00:00                       M Chinnaswamy Stadium   
1  335983 2008-04-19 00:00:00  Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali   

   Overs                        Team1                  Team2  \
0     20  Royal Challengers Bangalore  Kolkata Knight Riders   
1     20              Kings XI Punjab    Chennai Super Kings   

                  Winner  Runs  Wickets Result tossDec  \
0  Kolkata Knight Riders   140      NaN   None   field   
1    Chennai Super Kings    33      NaN   None     bat   

0  Royal Challengers Bangalore  
1          Chennai Super Kings  

Clean the data -> convert strings (teams, venues) to numbers.

In [53]:

def get_bat_first(inputDF):
    Function to get whose batting first
    if inputDF['tossDec'] == 0:
        if inputDF['Winner_Id'] == inputDF['Team1_Id']:
            return inputDF['Team1_Id']
            return inputDF['Team2_Id']
        if inputDF['Winner_Id'] == inputDF['Team1_Id']:
            return inputDF['Team2_Id']
            return inputDF['Team1_Id']

matchDataDF = pandas.read_sql( qryMatData, conn )
# The sklearn classifier doesn't deal well with strings
# so convert the strings to nums, basically we'll
# assign an id to the teams and venues and toss Decision
# Change toss dec
matchDataDF["tossDec"] = matchDataDF["tossDec"].\
apply(lambda tossDec: 0 if tossDec == "bat" else 1)
# Now we'll use the awesome functions of Pandas to deal with
# the teams and venues data. BTW there is a data type called
# categorical in Pandas. Look into it.
# Need to inner join both team1 and team2 data to make sure
# we dont miss any teams
allTeams = pandas.Series( \
                         pandas.concat( \
                        [ matchDataDF['Team1'], matchDataDF['Team2'] ] )\
                         .unique() )
# use the categorical functions of pandas to convert our
# string type teams into numeric values
venueIdx = pandas.Index( matchDataDF['Venue'].unique() )
cVenue = pandas.Categorical( \
                venueIdx.get_indexer(matchDataDF['Venue']), venueIdx )
matchDataDF['Venue_Id'] = cVenue.labels
# Teams is a bit complicated as we need the same
# team id for 4 different columns
teamIdx = pandas.Index( allTeams )
cTeam1 = pandas.Categorical( \
                teamIdx.get_indexer(matchDataDF['Team1']), teamIdx )
cTeam2 = pandas.Categorical( \
                teamIdx.get_indexer(matchDataDF['Team2']), teamIdx )
cWinner = pandas.Categorical( \
                teamIdx.get_indexer(matchDataDF['Winner']), teamIdx )
cTossWin = pandas.Categorical( \
                teamIdx.get_indexer(matchDataDF['tossWin']), teamIdx )
matchDataDF['Team1_Id'] = cTeam1.labels
matchDataDF['Team2_Id'] = cTeam2.labels
matchDataDF['Winner_Id'] = cWinner.labels
matchDataDF['tossWin_Id'] = cTossWin.labels
# We'll add a bat_first column to see if it improves predictions
matchDataDF['bat_first'] = matchDataDF.apply( get_bat_first, axis=1 )
# drop the columns we dont need
matchDataDF = matchDataDF.drop(\
                    ['Winner', 'Team1', 'Team2', 'Venue', 'tossWin'], axis=1 )
print matchDataDF.head(5)
       Id           MatchDate  Overs  Runs  Wickets Result  tossDec  Venue_Id  \
0  335982 2008-04-18 00:00:00     20   140      NaN   None        1         0   
1  335983 2008-04-19 00:00:00     20    33      NaN   None        0         1   
2  335984 2008-04-19 00:00:00     20   NaN        9   None        0         2   
3  335985 2008-04-20 00:00:00     20   NaN        5   None        0         3   
4  335986 2008-04-20 00:00:00     20   NaN        5   None        0         4   

   Team1_Id  Team2_Id  Winner_Id  tossWin_Id  bat_first  
0         0         4          4           0          0  
1         1         7          7           7          7  
2         2         5          2           5          2  
3         3         0          0           3          0  
4         4         6          4           6          4  

Random forest classifier.

In [54]:

# Import the random forest package
import numpy
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier 
# Create the random forest object which will include all the parameters
# for the fit
forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 1000)
# Now we need to remove the matches for which there were no winners
matchDataDF = matchDataDF[matchDataDF['Winner_Id'] != -1]
# Divide into test and training sets
matchDataDF['is_train'] = numpy.random.uniform( 0, 1, len(matchDataDF) ) <= .8
# Divide the data into training and test sets
train, test = matchDataDF[matchDataDF['is_train']==True],\
# The features which we'll take in as inputs
features = matchDataDF.columns[ [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 ] ]
# Fit the data using random forests
rfFit = forest.fit( train[features], train['Winner_Id'] )

Test the classifier.

In [55]:

# Test the classifier
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
rfTestOut = rfFit.predict(test[features])
test['Winner_Id_pred_RF'] = rfTestOut
crctPred = test[ test['Winner_Id'] == test['Winner_Id_pred_RF'] ].shape[0]
wrngPred = test[ test['Winner_Id'] != test['Winner_Id_pred_RF'] ].shape[0]
# Accurate pred. percent
percAccrcy = round( crctPred*100./(crctPred+wrngPred), 2 )
print "Accuracy over all test set-->", percAccrcy, '%'
valdtDF = pandas.crosstab(test['Winner_Id'], rfTestOut, \
                      rownames=['actual'], colnames=['preds'])
# Now loop through and find accuracy over each team
print "------individual team predictions-------"
for cc in valdtDF.columns:
    currDet = valdtDF[cc]
    # Correct pred
    if cc in currDet:
        currPercCrct = \
        round( currDet[cc]*100./currDet.sum(), 2 )
        currPercCrct = 0
    print teamIdx[cc], '---->', currPercCrct, '%'
Accuracy over all test set--> 69.23 %
------individual team predictions-------
Royal Challengers Bangalore ----> 66.67 %
Kings XI Punjab ----> 75.0 %
Delhi Daredevils ----> 46.15 %
Mumbai Indians ----> 88.89 %
Kolkata Knight Riders ----> 72.73 %
Rajasthan Royals ----> 58.33 %
Deccan Chargers ----> 66.67 %
Chennai Super Kings ----> 80.0 %
Sunrisers Hyderabad ----> 0.0 %

The most important features.

In [56]:

print " Random Forest Feature Importances "
for nfea, fea in enumerate(features):
    print fea, '--->', rfFit.feature_importances_[nfea]
print " Random Forest Feature Importances "
 Random Forest Feature Importances 
tossDec ---> 0.128036711172
Venue_Id ---> 0.148671698856
Team1_Id ---> 0.159167269973
Team2_Id ---> 0.176963645973
tossWin_Id ---> 0.165245937002
bat_first ---> 0.221914737024
 Random Forest Feature Importances 

Compare With Naive Bayes Classifier.

In [57]:

from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# Instantiate the estimator
nbClf = GaussianNB()
nbFit = nbClf.fit( train[features], train['Winner_Id'] )
nbTestOut = nbFit.predict( test[features] )
test['Winner_Id_pred_NB'] = nbTestOut
crctPredNB = test[ test['Winner_Id'] == test['Winner_Id_pred_NB'] ].shape[0]
wrngPredNB = test[ test['Winner_Id'] != test['Winner_Id_pred_NB'] ].shape[0]
# Accurate pred. percent
percAccrcyNB = round( crctPredNB*100./(crctPredNB+wrngPredNB), 2 )
print "Naive Bayes accuracy over all test set-->", percAccrcyNB, '%'
print "You can see, why NB is bad. The parameters are very interdependent."
Naive Bayes accuracy over all test set--> 23.08 %
You can see, why NB is bad. The parameters are very interdependent.

Compare with SVM.

In [58]:

from sklearn import svm
svmClf = svm.SVC()
svmFit = svmClf.fit( train[features], train['Winner_Id'] )
svmTestOut = svmFit.predict( test[features] )
test['Winner_Id_pred_SVM'] = svmTestOut
crctPredSVM = test[ test['Winner_Id'] == test['Winner_Id_pred_SVM'] ].shape[0]
wrngPredSVM = test[ test['Winner_Id'] != test['Winner_Id_pred_SVM'] ].shape[0]
# Accurate pred. percent
percAccrcySVM = round( crctPredSVM*100./(crctPredSVM+wrngPredSVM), 2 )
print "SVM accuracy over all test set-->", percAccrcySVM, '%'
SVM accuracy over all test set--> 49.45 %